Hello world

Creating my own blog - something I wanted to do for a long time and never got to it. Well, here it finally is! A short motivation and outlook of what to expect.

Mar 18, 2021 ยท 2 min read

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I have always wanted to create a personal website and start sharing knowledge. Well, here it is. Welcome to my blog!

Growing up in a time when the Internet is taking off and the entire world is moving - at least partially - into digital, distributed spheres, I have been and still am going through a process of becoming comfortable and secure in participating and sharing things online in a controlled way.

I strongly believe in open source and the idea that through knowledge sharing, we can make the world a little bit more livable. Of course, if I share a few bits and pieces and some personal experiences here on my site, I won't directly solve the really important questions of this world. But the open and proactive sharing of knowledge without direct prospect of own profit at least expresses a humble and positive attitude towards other people.

I am super impressed by the open source motion in IT and very inspired by the many great resources we all have at our disposal. Software Engineering and Data Science are a big part of my life, so I want to participate, share my experiences in the hope that someone will enjoy going through them, and contribute my part to open source.

I don't know yet exactly what I want to publish here in detail, but it will be about but not limited to software, data science and knowledge management. That remains to be seen. I already have some exciting ideas, so stay tuned.

In this spirit, hello world.